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disneyland pins

  1. watzshakinbacon

    SOLD! ISO Dumbo Teamwork (to trade for my Cinderella mice Teamwork)

    Hello! I have a Cinderella Jac & Gus Teamwork pin and would like to trade for the Dumbo Teamwork pin. I have made a trade for Charming Dumbo D US only! Plz reply/ PM/ Tapatalk chat me :D Thanks for looking! :wavey:
  2. Disneylandforever

    DLR Help! Disneyland 60th

    Does anyone have any advice on getting the next Disneyland 60th turquoise pin that comes out March 19 2015. Really don't want to pay ridiculous eBay prices and I have tried everything I can think of. Any advice is appreciated!!:cheshire:
  3. Disneylandforever

    Disneyland 60th series

    Looking for anyone to pre buy the rest of the series from. Only need March 19, 2015 to July 16, 2015. Please PM if interested in selling me the rest of the set. :wavey:
  4. T

    Disneyland pin trading complaint.

    Disney World and Disneyland are two different parks. When I started back in the good old days of 2008 before the stock market crash you could find a lot of good pins. Now no one wears pins at Disneyland anymore. Sigh,I wish we could break WDW off of Disneyland. They seem to have made pin trading...