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I finally feel like a real pin trader! [UPDATE]

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I finally feel like a real pin trader! [UPDATE]


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ETA: I finally got my pin!!

I may have my first bad trade. :p

I still have hope, but it's been a while with no contact. Ah, well. Live and learn. (And it was no one here so don't worry.) I'm only disappointed because this was my chance to get the last pin I needed to be a Ling completist! I would have had all two of them! :lol:

Why aren't there more pins of Ling, Yao, and Chien-Po? That's the real travesty here.

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They need PTDs. Or even all of them on one PTD. How cute would that be? That and Mulan-as-Ping are my dream PTDs.

A new Mulan PTD (just bust-up or only her head) is my dream. There are two other outfits to choose from! Plus, of course, Mulan as Ping and the three guys. And Li Shang, Fa Zhou, Fa Li, and Grandmother Fa.
Ah, that sucks. It's good that you're taking it with a good attitude though.

Hopefully you get that last pin soon!
Thanks, everyone! :) I'm honestly not too bothered. It might still work out, and if it doesn't... well, mistakes happen. And if it wasn't a mistake... eh. Rip-offs are a risk we all take, and the fact that it's a fairly rare occurrence makes me appreciate how many honest traders there are.

A new Mulan PTD (just bust-up or only her head) is my dream. There are two other outfits to choose from! Plus, of course, Mulan as Ping and the three guys. And Li Shang, Fa Zhou, Fa Li, and Grandmother Fa.

My dream is something like this:


Only instead of holding fish, she's holding ice cream cones.

There are so many PTDs they could do for Mulan. It surprises me that there's only two so far. I feel like sooner or later that's going to change and we'll get a run of them like we did for Robin Hood and Up lately. I live in simultaneous anticipation and fear of that moment.
I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope it works out in thE end!

I'd love Crickee and Little Brother PTDs, myself.
I always like reading your take, and this one is no exception. You managed to take a sour topic and put a wonderful & fun twist on it. Even then, I am sorry for your bad experience. You surely built great pin karma and I sincerely hope that better trades will come along soon, as well as new Mulan & cast PTDs.
Sure hope your pin turns up soon from the trade. But you have a great outlook about it. I think more Mulan PTDs would be great too! I would also really like to see Mulan in the character sorcerer hat series!
So happy it worked out for you!

Would love to see pins of Ling, Yao, and Chien-Po in drag - could totally work it into my Halloween collection!
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