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advise needed with this trade. Thank you! :)

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advise needed with this trade. Thank you! :)


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West Palm Beach
okay, so i have a pin trading going on, but i am not sure if do it or not, this is the trade:

my pin 80505 for his pin 83781, 84010 and Pin 81353. even though i love the pins that are being offered to me (specially the eeyore in scooter), but is it a fair trade? i mean mine is a LE 100 after all. just want to hear some thoughts, i really appreciate your wise advise and your time.
Seems ok to me. Three higher LE for an LE 100. The LE 100 isn't heavily wanted and the three you would be getting have decent trade ratios. If the pins are for you, I'd say go for it. If you will be using them as traders, give it some more thought.
thank you so much, yeah, the eeyores will be for me and the stitch i find it nice since he is shopping for pins. and i am not very attached to the stitch pin, but i like the set as a whole set, all of these i traded for, and i would like to keep them but if i had the whole set, and i have the mardigrass set almost all of it, except tinkerbell, but i really doubt i will be able to get it since only 2 people are trading it, if i could get her then i would keep the whole set, but i don't really care for the stitch more than for the mickey mardigrass pin, i am just debating whether i should keep it to get one of my grails(Pin 25494, Pin 25496, and all the ones of this series which i have not been able to get a single one, because i have nothing LE low enough as to even send a trade request in pinpics). i know i have more LE 100 to trade but this set is pretty big so that si the one thing kind of holding from saying yes right away, my question now is, knowing which are my grails, should i do this trade or save it for my grails?

Given this information, if I were you, I would save the Stitch Mardi Gras pin and try to trade it for one of the Lion King series. If you can't find a direct trade for one of them, I would trade the Stitch Mardi Gras pin for another Disney Auctions 100 pin, and then try to trade THAT for one of the Lion King pins. And if you can't find a trade there, trade the new Disney Auctions 100 pin for a different Disney Auctions 100 pin, etc. Does that make sense?

That's just what I personally would do if I were in your stitchuation. Good luck!
Personally, I think I would only make the trade if the pins I am getting are worth more to me than my LE100. I had someone offer me an LE900 Lion King pin, along with another, for my LE150 Black Beard stan glass window pin and I just couldn't do it. No matter how much I liked the Lion King pin I knew patience could potentially get me an even better deal with pins I really want.
Oh wow, thanks you guys, this helped me a lot.
PixarPerils: I know exactly what you mean, just moving around my trades a little and as I do, try to upgrade from a Disney store le 100 to a le 100 auctions, then get another auctions 100 with the auctions 100 I have at that point but the new 100 auctions pin hopefully being just a little more wanted, and on and on. Thank you for you advise, it have been a little of a challenge to get this pins(I have never even seen them in person) because only 1 to 4 people are trading these and even though it is not highly wanted I have not been able to get that "pin" that I feel confident enough to offer for these. I have a few open edition that they want but I won't offer that, not even if I give multiples, but hopefully I can get a very low LE from their wants and then offered the Low LE with the open editions.

Luis75: thank you, I know what u mean, is hard to sometimes give away give a LOw LE such as a135 or 100 for multiple pins that are just LE 500 or above, I am okay when I do my LE 100 for a LE 250 and a high wanted pin from my wants, or maybe 2 LE 250. Anyways I think I am going to pass on the trade, because even though the stitch mardi grass is not extremely wanted, it is decent, and it just came out a year ago, so there is changes it might go up in want ratio, since this pin fall in to two categories, Mardi grass, and Stitch, and the number or Traders doudtly will go up by much since who ever have it now will keep it in their collection, while whoever see it, might want it since it is fairly big and very glittery and nice. Also the two Eeyore's pins I look them up on eBay, and the one I like the most which is him in the scooter, is only 7.50 plus 3 dollars of shipping, buy it now price. But I don't buy pins for my main collection(lion king and Eeyore) is just a little rule I have, so I guess I can hopefully wait to trade for it since it is a open edition pin. But thank you guys for all your help, I am glad thanks to your advices I am going to be happy with my descicion, hope you all have a wonderful day.
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