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Need a Friend at Disney Paris Xmas doll party!!!

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Need a Friend at Disney Paris Xmas doll party!!!


New DPF Member
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UK near London
Please could some help me get some of these pins??? :anxious: I'd love to have a full set but want the Tinkerbell most :eek2: followed by Repunzel 2nd (sorry bad spelling lol) and then snow white 3rd! of couse If someone is able to get me a full set including Angel, chessier cat and chip and dale that would be lovely but
Please Please Please can someone help me get Tinkerbell and Punzel!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! :anxious::hsd::shock::wiggle:

If someone is able to help me out I would be very greatfull and of course could pay upfront with paypal or as soon as its confirmed we have pins!!! fingures crossed someone will be at the event!!! :hsd::anxious::hsd:

I sadly won't be there, but if you're on Facebook, I suggest joining the United Kingdom Disney Pin Traders group, as it's somewhat likely someone on there may be going, and as far as I'm aware, they aren't all on this forum.
thanks very much for your help, have sent a FB request for the group. I expect this event would be sold out by now but I might try looking at going to another one next year now I know how to get tickets! Ive never been to a pin event before so could be fun!! lol
Thankies muchly!! Happy Trading!!
It wasn't sold out on Thursday, I booked in another friend then.

ooooo, i might have a lill look see how much itll cost me to get over there, though Im not sure i could even afford to go this time, will have to work it out but, do you happen to know if you are gaurneteed (sorrey bad spelling again?!) each of the pins on the day or not, I cant see on the poster how many the LE size for each one is , but the event say Limited to 350 people , could that mean you get one of each pin or can people buy more, like first come first served?? sorry just dont know how these events work.
I just called them, had to figure out something else with the German hotline. Now they say the event is sold out, sorry.

You don't have to call the number on the poster. The Disneyland paris booking hotline of the country you live in can book you in. In fact the number on the poster always connected me back to Germany lately.

You are usually guaranteed one each of the event pins - in this case Chip & Dale, Cheshire Cat and the Jumbo - and two of the others (princess dolls and whatever those three ones with Angel are supposed to be). If you need/want more than that there is something called second chance line where you can get more pins - usually it's again one event pin and 2 of the others - depending on what they have sold. The second chance line works on first come, first served rules.
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ahh ok, thanks very much for the info,
Its probabley a good job its now sold out as I couldnt really afford to make the trip anyways! lol, I will just have to add the Tink one to my wants list! lol,
Thanks for all your help with the info, I might try and make a trip for another event early 2012, now that i know how they work and how to get tickets!! sounds like they could be fun!
Hope you enjoy going to this one!! get lots of pins and happy trading!!
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