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fake pins help

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fake pins help


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hi everyone, I am new and I hope anyone out there can help me with these questions:

I have many pins with two little nubs on either side of the post in the back not on the post but beside it, but I also have pins with a single nub but its on the actual post, as part of it. Does that mean it is a fake or scrapper? also what if I have two different pins, same style, but they have different paler colors?, however pinpics does not list any unauthorized releases or scrapper for that particular pin, does that mean they are both real or could there be a fake one anyway. they do have different years stamped in the back, the one that I suspect is actually the correct year release (as stated on pinpics) the one I am 100% sure of and has the brighter colors has the wrong year in the back, but it was purchased from disney...so I am a bit confused. nothing on dizpins talking about the nubs...would appreciate any help with that. thanks. sherry
Disney pins are produced by several different manufacturers. So things like nubs are one of the things that changes, depending on where the pin was made. Sometimes, with LE pins a pin having the wrong nubs, or lack of nubs can be a sign of a counterfeit. But with pins with multiple releases, things like that could change. Colors can also change for open edition pins that were produced in multiple years, especially if the factory has changed. Years can change too. Lots of times Pinpics only lists the first year, and if no one makes a comment that there are later years, then that info isn't included. What are the specific pins you are concerned with?

Pinpics can only put warnings on pins that show up on in the images the factories send out, or if a pin shows up on Ebay before its release. So the lack of warning, may just mean that Pinpics hasn't been sent photographic proof that a Chinese factory is selling that pin.
ok, I got a pin stitch in a box with pineapple reading a book. pinpics says the fake pin has no pineapple and no wood markings, mine does has wood markings and pineapple, but the stamp on the back does not have Lilo capitalized so it says lilo and Stitch instead of Lilo and Stitch, the pin feels ok, colors look ok too, it has the one nub on the post, so I was trying to see if it was a fake. also, I have david and stitch 24412 and it has two posts in the back with the single nub on each post, I was concerned if that was fake, it is stamped le3000 so that is correct, the stamp is a bit heavy so its hard to read but its definetely there.
Please, Please somebody, if you have pin 24047, stitch in box, and you are sure of its origin, check the back of it and let me know if it says lilo and Stitch or Lilo and Stitch and the year. I am trying to see if mine is ok or not.
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