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Question: Does anyone know what's the PinPics ID for this Pluto Pin?

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Question: Does anyone know what's the PinPics ID for this Pluto Pin?


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On one of my past vacations to WDW I remember stopping at the Disney Store in the Orlando airport where I found this Pluto brooch being sold. It's not your usual pin and has the needle in the back rather than a post. It wasn't with the other pins being sold either, but was on a rack behind the counter. I remember buying it and wearing it all the time lol, but from too much wear a stone or 2 had fallen out than I sold it. Now I total regret it because I love Pluto and miss this pin so much :( I wish I would have tried to repair it before deciding to sell it, but what's done is done. So now I'm asking you guys for help...I've tried searching it on PinPics, but cannot locate the pin. If anyone knows the ID so I can add it to my wants and try to work toward getting it I would really appreciate it.

Here's a picture of it:

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