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  1. Signed Mulan PODM

    I am trading my Mulan PODM, and it is signed by the artist! :D I am mainly looking for harder to find Jessica, and also Frozen pins off of my wants list! If you have a pin that you would like to trade, but feel it is valued higher than my PODM, please let me know, if it is one I want enough...
  2. Take A Look...

    Just looking to make some trades:wiggle: Here is the link to my pinpics account: http://gallery.pinpics.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?user=nsingleton&list=t As most of you know I solely collect Jessica Rabbit, and my two grails are in my signature, though it does need some updating because there are...
  3. Trading Curiosity

    I have two pins with pretty high want ratios, and am trying to see if I could get any decent Jessica pins to add to my collection if I trade them away? Both seem to have a good amount of people wanting them compared to how many are trading them! The first is: Pin 92014: DisneyStore.com -...