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  1. B

    Error Pins

    Hiya, New to Disney pin collecting and sorry if this has been asked before Today I brought the 'Classics Walt Disney Collection'- The one in the blue box with 5 pins commemorating the fifth anniversary of the Walt Disney Classics Collection. I noticed that the trowel and the treble clef have...
  2. M

    PIN ID Not sure if I have an error pin?

    In preparation for my upcoming trip to Disney, I bought a mixed bag of pins on eBay to trade. They arrived today and all appear to be legitimate with the embossing on the back and the original backings and everything. I noticed though, that there was one pin (serial number N556-6633-4-15170) a...
  3. S

    "Error" Pins: What is the general opinion?

    How do ya'll feel about them? If it was a pin that you've only seen come up for trade (or sell) once would you still collect it/trade for it/buy it? Do you have any "error" pins in your collections? Share your opinion on them & please share any photos you have too!
  4. R

    Question about the forum

    Okay I was wondering if anyone else gets NOT FOUND when you click on a persons matches to trade or matches to wants. I clicked on someones and got a page that said Not Found The requested URL /cgi-bin/search.cgi was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered...
  5. Geoff

    Help with two oddly numbered DLRP stitch pins

    I have a question about: and Two gentlemen showed up yesterday with TONS of DLRP pins at DLR. They had literally 10-15 of each set of Paris' recent "Cast Members Refresh Lanyard" pins as well as the above pins and many more rare DLRP pins. They claimed to have spent a lot of time at DLRP...
  6. S

    Tink Pin Error?

    Hi All, I am new to the site. I had a question on error pins. I had two Tink pins (Illusion Series Tinker Bell Pin) and I noticed on one of the pins that the flowers were all red on one and on the other one of the flowers is blue the same as the background. Is this common that there would be...