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Alice in Disneyland (Wonderland) event

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Alice in Disneyland (Wonderland) event
Would anyone be interested a co-op for the frame set. Splitting up the cost of the pins 5 ways?? I know it would mean splitting up the frame, but I'm really only after Alice and the others I don't need. Check the co-op forum!
Keep up the positive attitude. We have all moved all so should everyone else. Oh why would break up such a wonderful frame. Just bite the bullet and get the thing for yourself. You will come to love it.

If I could stand in line I'd already be there. They have food in the park, and nice stuffed toys to use as pillows, and they sell blankets. Yea, I could stand in line for 5 days. Man, I must be nuts or I've had too much sun here in sunny Florida. Oh wait, it's raining here, maybe it's water on the brain.

I agree.

And people sell pins all the time and many times just to get other pins. What's the point of assuming? So what's wrong with someone selling a pin that it's obvious people want? I mean, they're waiting in line and everything to get it and they got lucky to even get in that group. It's like the lottery metaphor that Grim earlier. People who live in glass houses....

And hoping "that something happened to them and they couldn't go" is really disturbing. I hope you didn't really mean that Swim2sea.

If not getting the pin you want right now is your biggest problem, because this thread sure makes it seems like its a top priority for some, you're probably a very blessed individual.
If I could stand in line I'd already be there. They have food in the park, and nice stuffed toys to use as pillows, and they sell blankets. Yea, I could stand in line for 5 days.
I know this was meant as a joke, but it's not that far from the truth. I can't afford to stay at a hotel the whole time I'm there so if anyone knows a great place to hide in Disney so I have some place to stay, that would be awesome.
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I know this was meant as a joke, but it's not that far from the truth. I can't afford to stay at a hotel the whole time I'm there so if anyone knows a great place to hide in Disney so I have some place to stay, that would be awesome.
If this were in-person line up wristbands I'd know places :lol: unless you can sneak off the mansion somehow and lurk among the ghouls! :lol:

My My My,I'm in the ER for a few days and I miss much commotion here!

My opinions/thoughts/views =/= attacking. attacking is more insulting/rude toned and less people sharing their own opinion

Excessive Price Gouging = Atrocious
reselling for profit=okay,but reselling before an item is out and for 200~300%+ is absurd
Ebay=neutral,I think we all love to hate it and hate to love it

John and Jane Doe who need to rely on a lottery for the chance to buy pins that they plan to resell at insane profits in order to be able to pay their mortgage,they obviously shouldn't own a house and should downsize.It's like going to a car dealer with your quick pick daily 3 lotto ticket and saying,I'll lease that car,I can pay so long as my numbers get picked

Jimmy and Jane Doe who's birthday gifts/parties are reliant on their parents winning a lottery for the chance to purchase pins to resell is the same thing as above.

ITT-tension,but at least it's digital tension and not in-person.Be thankful it was an online RSP (as much as i hate those),or all this back and forth bickering would be in person and chaotic hellish rioting insanity.Previews of which we saw for the Hm PoH

I love pins too!

as far as 1 person deserving something more than another,it's a hard line to walk.I for one have been told by the artist and character designer of the Makai series that I deserve first shot and #1 of limited numbered items if I wish to have them,solely due to my dedication to the series (tattoos,first ever for the series,which managed to reach the artist somehow before we ever met). Even insisted that #1 of a piece of limited art be brought from the offices for me,replaced in the office by #2

Everyone can feel however they want about deserving,but to be unfair/spiteful when others beat them out is a no-no.
everyone here loves alice obviously,so while we can have a little jealousy if someone else nets a random pin we want in the mystery box,we should be more happy about it for our fellow enthusiasts!

Us traders need to stick together! We're like a huge family,and like any family we have disagreements and differing points of view!

And on the note of ebay,i will offer one teeny piece of advise,if you're planning to buy anything off there,do the statue,as it has the highest risk of damage,and knowing disney something will happen >_> Then BAM prices really skyrocket!
Like the Alice PoH,those accursed bubbles!!!! (was interesting to watch the prices spike throughout the day on ebay from our phones,went from an average of about 34-39 to 60-70+ in the blink of an eye)

This made me smile. Despite my own precarious situation and spending money on frivolous things, yes I said pins are frivolous, this unfortunately is how Americans live. They buy things they can't afford and then scramble when the rent/mortgage/bill/check is due. We all want the dream and yet we don't always build a solid foundation.

Now about my opinion that pins are frivolous. There are people in this world who don't even have the essentials, food, shelter, love and there are people on this board who bare that sense of entitlement that we keep hearing about, they NEED these pins, they DESERVE these pins, they are the BIGGEST Alice collector and so on. Well no one can say they're a bigger collector than someone else since most of us have never met. Unless your house is decorated from floor to ceiling with Alice in Wonderland than I suppose you're not the biggest Alice collector and even if you are that doesn't mean that you deserve the pins over anyone else.

And as for as needing them, well you don't. You want them, but no one needs pins. If we don't get that most coveted holy grail our lives will go on until eventually they won't. Someday our lives will cease to exist and then what becomes of our pins? Will they mean anything to the people we leave behind or will they end up in a garage sale and someone else will tell the story of how they hit the pin jackpot.

So be fortunate for what you have because you could lose all of it in an instant. And if that should ever happen, pins will be the last thing on your mind. Generally I'm much more sarcastic and cynical, but some of the responses on this board and kyubee's comment about selling pins as a sole source of income just reminded me that even though my own life seems really bleak and out of control, I still have the luxury to buy pins. And pins make me happy. Especially getting new ones.

Actually my pins will be placed into my casket along with my ashes,which will lay in rest in the yard All in my will,I'd have my hearse buried too if I hadn't parted ways with it and it were possible :lol:

Eep,I could have modern day graverobbers :lol:

"And pins make me happy."
This times 100!
I know where you both are coming from. I have been out of a job for three years and I live in Florida. I save a small portion of my retirement check each month as "pin money". Once it's gone, I have to trade or go without. I agree that for those who can't pay the morgage, buy food, make the car payment, etc. then "somehow" manage to buy a pass and go to the park to buy merchandise are hoping that pins are the lotto. Sometimes when I get a Grail, I feel like I won the lotto, but I get over it. Pins are a hard way to make a living and the market is so fickle.

Enough of that serious stuff. rubyslipperedgoddess, I hope you find a good hiding place. Bring water and a blanket. You can live without food, but water is essential. Just find a big bush and make your camp. Just don't build a fire, they might notice it. And there is always a Motel 6 somewhere and they will "leave the light on" for you

Kyubee, I hope you get better really fast. Saturday is fast approaching and you need to be in peak form to get in that line. Drink plenty of fluid and call me in the morning

Good luck to all of you and remember: I still need those Mystery Pins
Actually my pins will be placed into my casket along with my ashes,which will lay in rest in the yard All in my will,I'd have my hearse buried too if I hadn't parted ways with it and it were possible :lol:

I feel the same way, but I was afraid I'd get yelled at for hoarding pins if I took them with me to the grave.

I still say she should hide in the mansion :lol: Just so long as she doesn't become haunt number 1000!

I should be better,at the very least I'll be strong enough to just make it and leave after I meet up with a few traders,though I'm hoping to hang around for a nice while (Here's hoping it's chilly,heat makes my health spiral down quick)
Lot's of fluids and nice gentle soup And long relaxing baths with epson salt for my poor back It always acts up when I have things to do!

I feel the same way, but I was afraid I'd get yelled at for hoarding pins if I took them with me to the grave.

I'm sure we wouldn't be the first to take some with us! Whenever I get me another hearse I wanna build a custom casket and put a nice pin on it ^_^ We also wanna build a pin trading casket,that would open up to reveal pin-boards of sorts,for the PTNs And perhaps put a Jack in it for the October PTNs
So I did the absolutely unthinkable...I canceled my ticket to Disney for this weekend. Just like I did before I can't stop crying. I want to go so badly, but considering how much it's going to cost me in airfare, hotel, transportation and so on, I did not think that it was responsible of me to go. I don't want to be one of those people that "buys a house but can't pay the mortgage" so to speak. While I am placing no judgement and whatever you choose to do with your pins is your choice, I am saddened that more people who want the pins for their own collection are not able to attend.

I am going to start another board, maybe explaining my situation, I don't like people feeling sorry for me, so I'm not sure what or how much to reveal, but the board will be my attempt to broker a deal to get the pins that I want the most from the event. The rest I will be at the mercy of the eBay gods and hope I can find a reasonable offer. I don't mind waiting it's more the uncertainty that comes along when you are not able to buy the pin yourself.

But I hope everyone has a really lovely time. And that you are all able to contain the chaos and things don't turn ugly because it's so opposed to the real spirit of what Wonderland is.
Rubyslipperedgoddess, if you want to explain your situation in more detail on another thread, I as well as others I'm sure are here to listen. I'm so sorry to hear you won't be making it to the event, but at this point you'd probably spend a lot less buying the pins you want on Ebay than traveling/lodging expenses. But I realize you were coming out for the experience as well.

rubyslipperedgoddess - I am sorry you are not able to go but why would you need an airplane ticket? According to your location it says you live in Hollywood which is only about 45 minutes from Disneyland if I'm correct?
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rubyslipperedgoddess - I am sorry you are not able to go but why would you need an airplane ticket? According to your location it says you live in Hollywood which is only about 45 minutes from Disneyland if I'm correct?
I think I saw her mention here or in another thread that she moved to a different state recently

@Rubyred-I'm sorry you can't go I'm sure you'll be able to get some help acuiring the pins thru trades/purchases from some of us ^_^
Indeed I did move recently, in fact less than a month ago, so the timing couldn't be worse. It cost me $6000 to move and my landlord shisted me out of half of my deposit so it will be awhile before I see the rest of my deposit. I have to sue her now, not fun. Needless to say money isn't something I have a lot of and yes, buying the pins second hand will be cheaper, which is why I decided to forgo the event. It might cost me getting some of the pins for my collection, but helping my family is more important. And while I may miss out on some of the pins and end up paying more for the ones I can get, the extra money is allowing me to buy a new Alice in Wonderland painting for my most prized collection. And as much as I LOVE my Alice pins, my paintings are so much more special because they are one of a kind works of art, not manufactured replicas, but I wish all of you a great time.

And for those selling your pins, be careful that you're not doing it as an investment. It seems like a lot of people going and getting pins don't want them for themselves and are selling them to those that can't make it who do, the market is going to be flooded real soon, so getting a lot of extra money could provide difficult, so making a deal now might be the most beneficial. Some desperate people like me are making great offers for tradeable items for these pins, some of these offers are much better than the couple of extra bucks you're going to get by selling them. I can't remember who, but someone was offering their new ipad as well as several very low edition pins. That's a crazy insane deal. I hope for their sake they stole ipad because for that alone it's worth way more than the pins.
Hah! I only wish I stole the iPad!! (yes, it was me offering that). But I can guarantee it's not stolen (hard to get Apple to laser engrave a stolen iPad ). But yes, I am offering it, that's what desperation and insanely high secondary-market prices will do to a super huge diehard fan.
I did, however, just minutes ago, get a message from a person that can possibly help me get the pins... so I may not have to part with it after all (it has almost become like another limb, I don't go anywhere without it!!). I won't know until Saturday, but fingers crossed :x::x::x:!!! (and if it doesn't happen, then I hope you're right, rubyslipperedgoddess, that the market gets flooded and the prices drop, even if only slightly!). I'm also really sorry you can't go - if I was in your shoes, I'd be devastated too I can't go either, but I never had it within my grasp, so I was never excited to go. But on the plus side - let's see a picture of that painting!!!
I'm in the same situation right now I won't say which group I got. I checked my emails and saw that I had actually registered. Im in the bay right now and the cost for the hotel, the ticket and the drive is going to be so much. Let's just say I would have been able to purchase everything. The reason why im so upset is because it looked like I was going to go. My parents 25th was this weekend and i spent A LOT more money than I thought i would spend. It's a once in a lifetime event for them. I just wish they let people phone in orders lol or I wish someone looked like me. I would send over my school ID in a heartbeat lol hahahaha.
I know there are a few selling their pins for double the price to pay for their tickets and the gas and travel fares, but I can't do that. I really can't. I just wanted the pins for my collection. If i did go i would get the other pins for people at cost. If someone went for me lol, I would just ask for the pins I wanted and let the person take the rest. It's nice to be able to help friends out. sigh
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I hear ya kidup. I don't understand why you need to be there in person. If Disney makes there money why should they care, hell they could even make more by charging some sort of handling fee in addition to shipping charges. It also means they would sell out, granted they probably will anyway, but if people could call in that couldn't go for whatever reason they'd be gone in minutes. It's just another example of how I don't think Disney puts it's guests first. Like the fact that there are 500 RSPs that were given out and 4 out of the 8 pin(s) offered are LE500, but only 250 people go the opportunity to purchase those pins.

I feel you I was really excited for this event. I just moved out here from Los Angeles. I even told myself and told some members, If I can go, Ill get the pins I want and i'll the rest you guys can ask for. Just let me know what you want and pay me for the pins in advance. No price hike, no nothing. If im going, im paying for the entrance, im paying for the gas and im paying for the hotel. The rest i would do out of kindness. I do it because I would hope people would do it upon others. It's just sad for me to see $16 pins being sold for $50, $60 before they even come out. But to each his own.

oh yeah...btw..if anyone can help me, let me know I'll throw in a pin for your troubles.
oh yeah...btw..if anyone can help me, let me know I'll throw in a pin for your troubles.
We'll keep you in mind

And Disney do allow online orders,though its total BFS since its 30 days after and we all know there won't be even traces of the ink used to print the backings left in the shops >_>
Even though I know it's a hell of a long shot,we saw the last NbC frame set at the park for well over a month...and theres alot of hardcore NbC collectors,so maybe there's some slim hope of a handful of these surviving for people who can't make it

Plus I SWEAR they keep some of these sets for later release.Like the silver NBC pumpkin boxed set,they sold out,and nearly a year later a few sets popped up in Bat-en-rouge O________O
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let's see a picture of that painting!!!
Well I have many but the one I just purchased with my refunded ticket is will have to wait. His image online is copyrighted and since I just paid I don't have the painting yet to take my own picture. I really love his work though so I might just by another. Making the trip to the event was going to cost me at least $600-800, so that will go a long way to help with bills and maybe get me a few things to make up for my disappointment.

Maybe this weekend, since I don't have anything else going on. :sad: I'll take pictures of some of my other paintings to share with everyone. I think they make me even happier than pins, because I am the only one who owns them, sure the artists make prints, but unless you own original art you have no idea what your missing when you buy a print.

I also bought a few Alice pins on the 'bay to help me dry my tears about the event.

Sorry the pictures are so large, but I'm still figuring out how to work the site. I'm working on what might just be the most fabulous Alice board ever so when that's done I'll share that with everyone as well. I was also hoping on bringing some of my original Alice jewelry to the event to share with everyone, but that won't be happening. Maybe once my website's ready.
Who is the artist that does Alice painting? I must have them. I have several Disney sketches done by artist when I'm in the store when they are and all of them are custom. But I only have two paintings - both done by the soon to be rich and famous MaeBlum of these Boards. They all hang in my Alice room. But I really want a really good Alice painting. Can you PM the artist? Thanks so much and I truly do feel your pain. Good luck on the pin hunt.
Well, I am just as sad about not being able to attend the event and about not having the opportunity to purchase these pins first hand. As much as I hate paying double the price I did not have much of a choice in the matter ( well, i could have just not purchased any but that would have just made me more miserable). In the end I am glad to at least have the opportunity to purchase a few pins even if it is double the price.

Kidup, I think it is great that you would have sold your extras at cost , that is exactly what I would have done as well. I did not even attempt to register, I am a musician and I work on weekends so it would have been impossible for me to get there.

I am still praying that some folk get some doubles in the mystery sets and will be willing to sell or trade fairly for them.

I almost bid on a few of these yesterday for the same exact reason you listed! Glad to see that a true Alice lover wound up with them I hope that you are able to acquire the event pins somehow, fingers crossed for you!
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