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Hologram Scrapper?

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Hologram Scrapper?


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I have come across a pin that can possibly be a scrapper. So I guess I am turning to the community to see if anybody has ever seen a scrapper with a hologram on the back?

Thanks a lot!
Hi Snoudel,
Authentic Disney Auction pins that have come with legitimate holograms have never been scrapped. The problem now lies with identifying a legitimate hologram. A member on this forum has found a hologram that is leaking something, which means counterfeiters are now trying to glue holograms onto pins etc. As you probably already know, ebay sellers from China are selling what appears to be Disney Auction pins without holograms. Apparently, they are no longer selling as well, so I am guessing they are trying to glue some holograms onto the pins for a larger profit. Can you tell us what pin you are concerned about? Many Disney Auction pins that came with holograms had imperfections, so if you let us know which pin it is, we will all be able to remember if this was one of those with a lot of little flaws etc.
Hi Snoudel,

This pin did not have any known imperfections other than a minor ding here and there, and it has always been a super hard to find pin and around $250-300 in the past. However, there are one too many sellers selling this pin on ebay this year. It took me about 4 years to even come across one, and now, I have seen a few selling on ebay, and by different sellers. You are not mentioning why you think this pin is a scrapper. For one, it has a shiny finish and not a dull one. Does yours have a shiny finish? It is pretty much like its picture in person. Does yours have any extra paint somewhere? These did not have that particular problem. What exactly is wrong with your pin that makes you think it is a scrapper?
Hi Snoudel,
I guess you are never going to answer my question. But I found another ebay seller that listed the Stitch pin you are concerned about a few hours ago on ebay. Here is the description: Disney Pin of STITCH Masterpiece Blue Nude Alien LE 100

You should be able to find it and it appears to be the same seller that is being talked about in the last post you started. Going by how many this person sells, I would not think he is selling legitimate pins. Forgot to say he is starting this pin and ninety-nine cents, which is something no one would do if they paid the original price for the pin.
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Ah, I am so sorry for not answering! Yes, that is who I wanted to buy from until I realized that he is probably selling fakes!
Hi Snoudel,
I take it you did not buy this pin? This person, and a few others, have been selling tons of LE 100 super hard to get DA pins. I have seen originals and counterfeits side by side, and the difference is minimal, but yet, I can tell the difference, only when I happen to own one of the ones that they have sold. I have so many friends that have been taken by these sellers, so I hope you are not going to end up joining them.

Good luck with getting the pins you are looking for, and please be careful.
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