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Just my observation....

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Just my observation....


DPF Charter Member
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so. cal
Having some time to kill, I went surfing and found an unusual amount of new listings for D23 pins. Some of which are harder to come by, yet there they were, cheap and available. Few of the listings mirrored other listings. Is it odd or just me? It would be sad if these pins turned out not to be the real deal. :sad:
Are you talking about e-Bay?


P.S. LOL, for one split second when I read that you were surfing, I thought, I didn't know she surfs! Then, oh...DUH. LOL!
Another observation I found while surfing was the Cheshire mummy pin from Halloween dsf store from 2010 seems someone always has one but never any cards for it, not saying they are not authentic, just that that I was observing that this person seems to have a lot of them without cards
Another observation I found while surfing was the Cheshire mummy pin from Halloween dsf store from 2010 seems someone always has one but never any cards for it, not saying they are not authentic, just that that I was observing that this person seems to have a lot of them without cards

Actually, I believe there was a suspicion that Chessie Mummy had been scappered. But, I don't remember where I saw it. So, cannot confirm it as a fact. :(
Are you talking about e-Bay?


P.S. LOL, for one split second when I read that you were surfing, I thought, I didn't know she surfs! Then, oh...DUH. LOL!

Yes, big huge DUH! I can't even swim!

Yes, referencing the bay. A said "3-pin set" minus the two other pins. And seller states that they are keeping the other two, and only selling the one they don't want, the most popular of the 3 in my opinion. Also, seller has a pin that I've seen already floating on cast members last week; hidden mickey's with the characters in an oval frame! Now I know those haven't come out yet unless they are the new PWP's, which I thought were going to be the snapshots! And the two sellers listing almost identical pins living in the general vicinity of each other. "tilt head to the side..." HUH??? That's strange. Ding! Lightbulb went off. Buyers beware.
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