"No Thanks" or No Response, which would you prefer?
I much prefer a "No thanks," because then I know that:
1. My trade request made it through, it didn't get caught in a spam filter or something like that.
2. I can move on and offer my pin to someone else.
3. The person exists and checks trade requests, in case I ever want to propose a different trade to them down the line.
4. I didn't totally disgust them with my offer (unless they say so in their response, I suppose )
1. My trade request made it through, it didn't get caught in a spam filter or something like that.
2. I can move on and offer my pin to someone else.
3. The person exists and checks trade requests, in case I ever want to propose a different trade to them down the line.
4. I didn't totally disgust them with my offer (unless they say so in their response, I suppose )