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Would you be OK with a scrapper in your "keep" collection?

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Would you be OK with a scrapper in your "keep" collection?


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Hershey, PA
Hey everyone! I had this discussion with my wife yesterday ( she is not into Pin trading AT ALL so she had a pretty fair opinion).

So here is the situation.

I have learned the hard way about scrappers. Mainly these have all been from trades with CM at the parks last September. I was not well versed in what to look for. While I was down there I noticed a pirate pin on a CM. I quickly traded for it as it appeared to be Pirates of the Carribean themed. I soon found more and more CM having these and I was able to finish off the set within the day! Lucky me! Well it was not until a few days ago that I was sifting through my pins ( very small collection of about 100 pins). I looked at the Pirate pins and noticed that one of the pins ( Dale) was off.

Here is what it is suppose to look like : http://pinpics.com/cgi-bin/pinpic.cgi/55786 and my pin has some off colors.

So I came to the conclusion that its a scrapper.

Now here is what I am thinking.

I really hate knowing that I have a scrapper pin but its not going anywhere. I do not plan on trading these pins or selling them. So if they are going to stay in my collection then why bother to go out and trade or buy the real pin?

This was a tough call for me but in the end I will stomach the scrapper and keep it in my "Keep" collection.

What are you thoughts? Am I wrong for doing this?
I trade for pins that I like. Sometimes I get a scrapper. They go in my book, but I make a mental note that I want to look out for the authentic one. If I find it, I replace it. If I don't, oh well. I traded for it because I liked it, so it stays in my collection.
I don't know if I'd want one in my collection but I will admit that I would love to get some scrappers of my favourite characters, purely so I can put them on my backpack and handbag as decorative badges as I would be too scared to lose a real pin. Also, the XR - Buzz Lightyear of Star Command pins are some of the only merchandise from the show I've ever seen! So I'd be happy to have a hoard of scrappers of him to put on my handbag, I only wish that they made Mira Nova too
as long as your happy with it, then yeah keep it in your collection if it means something to you as it has a little collecting story then keep it. just make sure you dont trade it hehe
and then when you get the chance trade it for a real one. nothing wrong if you want personally keep it I think
even the dodgy ones???
As long as you're okay with knowing you don't have an authentic pin, sure, keep it. For me, it's sort of a moral dilemma. People make scrappers to make money off of those that don't know any better. These people aren't offering a unique service, they aren't even offering their own work, they're stealing and getting paid off of other people's work. Knowing this, I'd rather try to be patient and wait to find the real pins rather than jump at the chance to grab something that may not be official.

Even if it's just for me, if the pin goes into my collection without any possibility of being traded again, I'd feel too weird about owning something fake.
I have about 2000 pins and about 5 of them are scrappers, all during my learning years. 2 are obvious and horrible and 3 ya couldnt tell unless you studied the back. I kept them. Its too late to affect the "market" i always report and return any scrappers i have ever purchased on ebay, which is about 12 to date. I look more carfully at the parks--tough job and i know which 5 pins in my collection are scrappers and i would never trade nor sell them to anyone.
This is a great conversation point. I have to admit having changed feelings about this. At first I could not stand having a scrapper in my collection. But as time passed and I started missing that some pins were scrappers (they got better) I discussed with a few other collectors and decided that as long as I liked the pin I would not mind keeping it. For an easy to get pin I might toss the scrapper and try again. For something more unusual or harder to acquire, I might just keep it.
If I know for sure a pin I have in my collection is a scrapper I don't want it. It just ruins the pin for me, personally. I don't enjoy looking at it and could not imagine proudly putting it on my boards with my genuine pins so I guess my opinion is a little different in that way. This is not to say I don't own any scrappers. I don't THINK that I do as I check them pretty well but obviously you don't always know 100%. If I were to determine something on my boards were fake though I would pull it and trash it or give it to the kids who do have 1 vinylmation scrapper pin on their little board but they like it so I have not yet taken it down.

For me it is like a fake purse... I would not knowingly cary a fake purse and enjoy it/be proud of it b/c I know it is not the real deal. I just could not enjoy fake pins either.

Another way to look at it... people who are creating scrappers are RUINING this hobby. Would I really want to keep one of those pins in my collection to remind me of what they have done to collectors? Absolutely NOT!
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Call me a completist, but I have both the real and "scrapper" versions of most the pins in my collection. The scrapper versions were VERY easy to trade for, so I didn't mind giving up for something that I still really like the artwork to. They are mixed in with my collection, because at the end of the day all that matters is that I like them.

I don't condone scrappers, but an eeyore is an eeyore to me, and I want it just the same.
I dont mind having a few, I knowingly purchased the Disney Auctions stitch with copper and stitch with dodger (without holograms) off ebay as I couldnt afford the prices of the real ones or trade for them so I got them and I dont regret it. that is the only time Ive ever purchased pins like that, and they are great quality so I think they were over-run/over-made the 100.
I have a 2 which I found out later where scrappers of stitch (my main char) but they are in my collection and I d never trade them
but always look out for a real one!!
I did get rid of all the puffles I traded for in shops and park which turned out to be scrapper/counterfeit I am glad I found out how to tell as I could have traded for more dodgy pins!! lessons learned n all that lol
No scrappers, period. I have been collecting 12 years and have worked hard (and spent way more money than I will admit) to have a 'perfect' collection (scrapper/fake/unauthorized free).

Plus, some where down the road, one never knows when one might have to sell off some or all of their collection. Will one remember then, which are fakes and which are authentic?? I think it would be unethical to sell a collection, if one knows there are fakes in it, but just doesn't remember which or how many. No excuses.
I admit, I am shocked that many people are ok with having scrappers in their collections! With all the fuss about them I would think there would be a ton of people on this thread saying no way! I just could not enjoy my boards if I looked at them and saw scrapper pins on them no matter how nicely made they might have been. They would be trashed very very fast!
I think my first might look a little misleading so I'll simplify .

Scappers in pin collection: NO! No way no how! I paid too much for my pins to get a knock off and its not right that they are in buisness to get this junk on cast member lanyards.

Scappers on my backback/handbag: YES! I'd happily put a good scrapper on my handbag as a badge because some of the more convincing make crappy pins but decent badges I'd be too upset to lose a real pin so I'd gladly get a scrapper pin for my handbag if someone was throwing one out, particularly of characters with no other merchandise available. I wouldn't buy one from evilbay of a shop though thinking about it as that's fueling the fire as it were. But I would buy it from a trader for cheap to get it out of the pin trading scene and onto my handbag/backpack to look awesome
I don't really care to have scrappers in my collection. BUT I do have one scrapper in my collection. I was collecting the hidden mickey stamps and the only one I was missing was Goofy! I unknowingly traded for a scrapper version, but I put it in my collection anyway. Like someone else mentioned, I keep a mental note that if I were to find a genuine version I would replace it. If I can help it, I avoid adding them in my collection. When it comes to hidden mickey's I am more lenient but when it comes to higher end pins I just prefer not to have a scrapper and would never keep it.
Well, I don't want counterfeit pins in my collection, but I'm OK with fantasy ones. Does that make me inconsistent??

It's just that some of the fantasy ones are really cute and have no counterpart from Disney. The ones that come to mind are: Stitch holding a Volkswagen (Punch buggy!!), the photograph of Lilo's family with Stitch's picture taped behind it, Stitch with Maleficent, Stitch—Andy Warhol edition, Lilo's voodoo spoon, and the many Scrump dressed as (Maleficent, mummy, snowman, etc.).

Come to think of it, I do own one counterfeit. After the Stitch as Dalmatian (DS 100) counterfeit's came out, I got my hands on one for a decent price. I've thought about displaying them together to show the variations of the two (the fake has a darker, almost greenish color compared to the real one).

No, I am totally fine with Fantasy pins and even some unauthorized (like the LE50 cell frame pins). I love those and if buy something like that I KNOW what I am buying. What I meant was just pins meant to be knock-offs, meant to be passed off as something they were not. I don't want those in my collection. I am with you on the fantasy pins though. Some of those are great!
I feel like having fakes in your collections are just contributing to the scrapper market. Having very high end fakes in your collection just lowers the value of the real one because im sure you are content with having it rather than try and pursue the real one, not including someone bought that pin from a counter-fitter who is now being funded to make more. I don't agree with having fakes in my collection. Like Magon said, we have 1.. and I don't toss it cause she doesn't like the empty spot it leaves in our bag. Also, I was thinking what Heywannatrade posted about there being more Anit-scrapper post on this thread. I love looking at my pins and knowing they are both beautiful and real
I would NEVER leave a scrapper in my keeps collection. I have worked very hard to not get scrappers and when I get one, they become fridge magnets. I break off the post so it can never be used again. You never know when you might decide you don't want those pins and then you no longer can call it a set if you want to trade or sell it. I just think you need to stay away from scrappers. PERIOD, end of story.

+1 That's more like it!!!! I Miss you Margaret! <3
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