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New filter in chat?
Considering the filter's been fixed, and this thread is nothing but a breeding ground for drama!!!, maybe it could be locked up?

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone AKA If you've never said a bad word then fine step up and punish those who have been cursing in the chat room but if any of you have ever uttered a swear word then please keep your traps shut.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone AKA If you've never said a bad word then fine step up and punish those who have been cursing in the chat room but if any of you have ever uttered a swear word then please keep your traps shut.

Not sure that's really fair. The issue isn't cussing general, it is the atmosphere in which it is done. Swear like a sailor all you want when you are in an environment where that is acceptable. I just don't think a Disney fan sight is the place to do it. I admit that much more colorful adjectives run through my head when I read some posts, but they don't make it into my responses. If that makes me a stone thrower, then so be it.
Sometimes if the right thing to do is the wrong thing and the hardest and we should really appreciate what people have to say but don't act like what it is. You know?


I do not respect anyone who curses which includes all former presidents, MLK, Ghandi, all musicians, and basically anyone. I do not respect anyone.

Why the torture link? As much fun as a lobotomy can be I really prefer the full manchurian candidate
When quotes and words from the past are taken out of the context of their time I don't think they carry the same meaning. If those people were alive today I just can't believe that they would be saying those words in relation to this topic. Nobody is restricting anyone's freedom of thought and there is nothing stopping anyone here from opening their own site where they can express themselves to their hearts content.

My quotes were not taken out of context. Justice Douglas' belief on freedomof speech is quite well known. The quote is quite reflective of his beliefs and perfectly appropriate in this context.

As for Ms. Blume, I think she would be quite surprise to have read that shewas dead.

You are right. This is a private site. It has the right to set the rules. However, unless I am mistaken, I believe that I have the right to express my displeasure with new rules that are summarily executed. As for this being a Disney pin trading site, so what? It has been recently stated by the moderators that they “want to promote open discussion as much as possible here on DPF, so if you encounter an issue with another member please work out your differences like adults.” Emphasis added via bold / underline. This would seem to indicate the primary audience of this forum would be adults. (Although I would concede the point that the rules state that anyone can create an account with activation for those under 13 needed to be done by an administrator) There are many topics (from mundane to the comical to profane) which have nothing to do with Disney or pin trading on this site.

The only rule regarding subject matter I can quickly find is this one: “By agreeingto these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that areobscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.”

Hopefully without getting dragged into a horrible quagmire of legalese, mere fleeting expletives (at least not those on the airwaves) do not seem to violate this rule.

As for the concept of children, as they appear on this forum, I would simply invoke parental responsibility. It is a parent's responsibility to monitor their children; what one parent might find offensive may not be what I find offensive for my child.

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My quotes were not taken out of context. Justice Douglas' belief on freedomof speech is quite well known. The quote is quite reflective of his beliefs and perfectly appropriate in this context.

But he died when, 1975? Before the internet as we know it was even around. Times have changed and in the grand scheme of things this is a pretty trivial topic so, maybe he would agree, maybe he wouldn't. And just because he was a supreme court justice doesn't mean he was right. Our current supreme court has provided several examples of that. I just think we should solve the problems of our time the best we can. We can learn from the past, but shouldn't rely on it to do our thinking for us.

As for Ms. Blume, I think she would be quite surprise to have read that shewas dead.

Please note that I corrected 20 minutes prior to you posting that comment. At any rate, I'm sure she'll get over it.

You are right. This is a private site. It has the right to set the rules. However, unless I am mistaken, I believe that I have the right to express my displeasure with new rules that are summarily executed. As for this being a Disney pin trading site, so what? It has been recently stated by the moderators that they “want to promote open discussion as much as possible here on DPF, so if you encounter an issue with another member please work out your differences like adults.” Emphasis added via bold / underline. This would seem to indicate the primary audience of this forum would be adults. (Although I would concede the point that the rules state that anyone can create an account with activation for those under 13 needed to be done by an administrator) There are many topics (from mundane to the comical to profane) which have nothing to do with Disney or pin trading on this site.

The only rule regarding subject matter I can quickly find is this one: “By agreeingto these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that areobscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.”

Hopefully without getting dragged into a horrible quagmire of legalese, mere fleeting expletives (at least not those on the airwaves) do not seem to violate this rule.

As for the concept of children, as they appear on this forum, I would simply invoke parental responsibility. It is a parent's responsibility to monitor their children; what one parent might find offensive may not be what I find offensive for my child.


I don't think anyone here is saying that you can't voice your opinion as long as it is cordial. A healthy discussion is what is going on here, so I'm not sure what the problem is. And I think that the reason that you don't find many rules addressing this is because it hasn't been much of a problem until very recently. The more people push the limits and fail to police themselves, the more rules you will probably see.
I'll just leave this here.

I do not cuss and try best not to when I stub my toe.

I have come to understand that others cuss even if I'd rather not hear it, and I do not hold it against them.

I also accept that when joining a private forum, the owners are allowed to make rules and decisions based on what they feel best for their site, and if I don't like them I can ignore said rules or go.

But I'm sure my opinion is probably not needed in this discussion.

With that said....



I loved these videos!!!

Favorited. Favorited. Favorited. And Favorited. Thank you kind people for making my night.
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But he died when, 1975? Before the internet as we know it was even around. Times have changed and in the grand scheme of things this is a pretty trivial topic so, maybe he would agree, maybe he wouldn't. And just because he was a supreme court justice doesn't mean he was right. Our current supreme court has provided several examples of that. I just think we should solve the problems of our time the best we can. We can learn from the past, but shouldn't rely on it to do our thinking for us.

I would respectively disagree with these assertions. While you are correct, Justice Douglas died in the 1970s, his position was consistent on the rights on freedom of speech. It is hard to phantom an argument that Internet postings / chat are not “speech”. As for modern technology, just last week the Supreme Court struck down California’s law regarding restricting the sale violent video games to minorson free speech grounds. In the last 10 years, it has stuck down laws regarding outlawing simulated underage sex on the internet and crush videos on the internet. The Supreme Court has also ratified the right to engage in fairly offensive speech, such as wearing clothing in court that states “F*** the Draft” in 1971, flag burning in 1988, or picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers in 2011. These types of offensive speeches are protected. It is fairly consistent that barring a few (major) expectations (such as child pornography or national security issues such as troop locations during war time), prior restraint on free speech by governmental entities is not tolerated.^^

As for triviality of this restraint, that is irrelevant. Free speech applies as much to Superman and Mortal Kombat as it does to Dante’s Inferno and Golding’s Lord of the Flies. The merits of the speech are not relevant to its protection.

We should learn from the past; in the past there have been other sites thathave tried to banned certain speech which than withered and died. It would be a shame for this site to only be excisablethrough the Internet’s Way Back Machine.


^^ (Again, this is a private forum and not a governmental entity; thereforeit can do whatever it wants to do. However, this forum also prides itself on open dialogue barring a fewissues. Mere fleeting expletives in Chat,while not desirable, does not constitute the legally obscenity. )
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I would respectively disagree with these assertions. While you are correct, Justice Douglas died in the 1970s, his position was consistent on the rights on freedom of speech. It is hard to phantom an argument that Internet postings / chat are not “speech”. As for modern technology, just last week the Supreme Court struck down California’s law regarding restricting the sale violent video games to minorson free speech grounds. In the last 10 years, it has stuck down laws regarding outlawing simulated underage sex on the internet and crush videos on the internet. The Supreme Court has also ratified the right to engage in fairly offensive speech, such as wearing clothing in court that states “F*** the Draft” in 1971, flag burning in 1988, or picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers in 2011. These types of offensive speeches are protected. It is fairly consistent that barring a few (major) expectations (such as child pornography or national security issues such as troop locations during war time), prior restraint on free speech by governmental entities is not tolerated.^^

It is all just a matter of interpretation. I don't agree with something just because that is what the supreme court decides, and there were a couple of examples in there that I don't think are fully right (in my mind). Just like you may not agree with the forum rules. But just because we don't agree doesn't mean we don't have to follow them. Courts have overturned previous court's decisions in the past and it will happen again. I'm just saying that just because that is what was decided by one group of people doesn't make it the end all be all right thing in all situations.
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I loved these videos!!!

Favorited. Favorited. Favorited. And Favorited. Thank you kind people for making my night.

Please Never post these jumping happy faces ever again! Hahahaha, they're so creepy!... *shudder*

And I agree with you, those videos were pretty funny!
Please Never post these jumping happy faces ever again! Hahahaha, they're so creepy!... *shudder*

And I agree with you, those videos were pretty funny!

:lol:! Very well then...

^ This was their expression when I told them they cannot visit DPF anymore. Don't worry, though. They'll get over it.
Hi all,

Thanks all for the very kind messages I've been receiving all day, you all are very thoughtful.

I just want to take a moment to be perfectly clear on a few things. There's a reason the name is blurred, and it shall remain this way. People are responsible for their own actions, and will have to live with the decisions they have made. I have no interest in creating "secret lists" to mark down other people, as that will only break down a community faster than it will build it up.

Sure, I'm positive if you search hard enough, you will find your answer, but it won't be coming from me. Let's try and use this as a lesson, for all of us, that we should always think before we act, and how our actions may effect others in the long run. I am not looking for sympathy, and again appreciate all your comments. I hope to see our community continue to grow stronger.

This will be my last post on the issue.

Eek... that post was a little too serious even for me. How about:



I would .gif you, but it's late, and I am le lazy.

Well, have a nap... ZEN FIRE DE MISSILES!!
I agree with Judy there is no need of swearing in the chat Room, we are all here to help each other with pin questions or suggestions. Keep it clean period!
Just curious is this the most you have to worry about in life? whether or not someone uses curse words? Im sorry it just shocks me as I have had a very unpleasant dose in unhappiness lately and I just have to wonder seriously if this is even worth fighting over? The amount of emotional energy it takes to get mad and make a point on here could be used in more productive ways. I have had my share of my "problem" people on here and subjects I have felt strongly about. However now looking back I wish I hadnt even wasted my time as it is precious. Take the time you spend arguing in here and spend it with someone you love or care about. It will be a more productive use of your time I promise you.
Now I'm sure I'm going to get slammed and I know I said I wasn't going to post anymore, but I feel I need to say something here. I feel this place is turning into another Dizpins type site. I hate being treated like a child.

Believe me, this is not what we wanted, and one of the primary reasons DPF was created (as well as needing a place for people to go after Dizpins had retired) but it seems that it's the way things go with the community. Admittedly, I was not around for as long as dizpins had been around, but i would guess that eventually it turned into what it was to avoid drama. As of late, a few members have left because of this, and while that's something we don't want -- it's their choice and the site will continue to function without them -- Our team will continue to dedicated its resources and expertise to bettering our members' experience in whatever way we can, even if that means shifting directions toward being an "alternative" pin forum (for the 'fun' people! :lol: ).

As for the chat filter and other forum changes; recent events here have forced the issue. No forum will be perfect. I'm sure many here are aware of other internet forums where the recent happenings here are actually commonplace. Disagreements and debate are to be expected online -- They can be worked out through adult conversation without resorting to obscenities and name-calling.
also, i'm moving this to "anything goes" or "the help desk", as it doesnt belong in the pin discussion forum.
Um... just a thought. Is there a way we can have 2 chat rooms? One for the "free speech, we don't care, we need to blow off some steam" people and one for the "I can't handle those type of words, my children think your disgusting" people?

Do not watch if you are offended by the word jacka$$ which technically is not a curse word. :drool:

Um... just a thought. Is there a way we can have 2 chat rooms? One for the "free speech, we don't care, we need to blow off some steam" people and one for the "I can't handle those type of words, my children think your disgusting" people?

Do not watch if you are offended by the word jacka$$ which technically is not a curse word. :drool:

to be honest, there's not enough chatroom traffic to warrant this. However, if we can ever afford to upgrade the service level of the chat software we have now, different "rooms" or "channels" are possible.