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You asked "You can't trade 5 pins for 1 pin if nobody has that 1 pin ;p". Well, someone has that pin because Disney didn't sell just 1 pin. I just have to find them. There are people trading nearly all of my wants, they just don't reply to me.

True, there are (typically) multiples of any one pin in existance, but not all of them are in circulation. A lot of them may be in people's collections and they may not even trade anymore. Some could even be overseas as a result of trading! Also remember, that for your harder pins, just because there are people with it marked as a trader doesn't mean they are actually trading it. Some just use Pinpics as an inventory tool and put everything in the trading bucket. I hate that....but they do.

Also, there are a couple of accounts on Pinpics that I'm really suspicious about and wonder if they are even "real". They showed up out of the blue and have all these amazing pins listed. Old collector returned? ....maybe.... Someone playing games and listing pins that they don't even have? .....also possible..... I'm not saying that is your problem, but even a pin with 5 people "trading" it could take a year or more to acquire, and that is if you are being persistent. The grails I just got took me several years to get and even though I had good traders (in my opinion anyways) I had to go out and find what the other person wanted to make it happen, which of course, was also a very difficult pin to get.

In a nut shell, you've got to be patient. It sucks...believe me, I know. And if you are trying to ferret out these old pins, you may be barking up the wrong tree. From the poll and the people that responded (which are most likely the more active members), half the people on DPF have been trading for 5 years or less. So, if you haven't been able to find your wants, chances are slim that they will be able to. I'm not saying that you shouldn't keep advertising and looking here, because you could get lucky. But you're going to have to try every avenue you can. People here can only do so much and they do try to help where they can, but when you are talking about super tough pins, there is only so much they can do... For tough pins, the best that can be expected of other forum members is to keep an eye out and alert you if they see something. Doing an all-out search for these pins isn't practical for most members because they have their own wants to worry about, so that falls to you. You aren't getting responses from here simply because nobody has any leads and there is nothing you can do about that.
We'll find 'em Eventually, lol. You've made pretty good progress in the last year on that list.
yeah you know Im always on ebay and have let you know a few times when I have found pins you need so I will let you know (as I do with anyone else on here) when or if I find any of your wants.
Thanks guys, you are all so nice and helpful and I'm sorry I jumped on my:soapbox:

I just send out requests every week on Pinpics with different traders and never get a reply or I get a no thanks. I've tried to even buy them and no luck. But enough whining and time to get back to work on getting what I can get. I appreciate all the help everyone gives me and this is the best bunch in the world. I guess bad days happen to everyone and mine was longer than I expected.

But....:hug: thanks to you alll I'm OK now. I'll find those bloody darn pins and I may be too old to see them, but someone will tell me what I got. Thanks and God Bless you.
So I checked my Dad's trades, because they have a lot of stuff, and he actually has [pin]48013[/pin]. But my Dad is in the process of updating his lists in over a year. So I am not sure if he still has that one, and if he has a want off your list. Right now he's one of the many who have his TA turned on but is not actively seeking trades, because his lists are so messed up, and isn't responding. But I will remember to ask to look at your trades when I visit it May (he wants me to set up trades for him over here, eventually, anyway). Or I can swap out one of my traders with that one of his, because I know you have things that I want. So if you don't trade for it by then, I should be able to arrange for you a trade. But it will take a couple months still.
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