Designer Mugs
So I just purchased the final 3 mugs, i now have the complete set of mugs! Which I am so excited about, been a big week of spending for me but I completed both the designer set of mugs and the set of dolls! Can't wait to get them!!
Haha thanks Shivatopia! Yeah that was pretty quick but I managed to find a seller that had most of the mugs so things just lined up well which enabled me to get the rest of the mugs. Thanks for all your help and advice!
Congrats on getting your grails Alex! I have to say that the mugs really are amazing. There are actually only two that I don't have and that is because I m not a big fan of he way they look. They are gothel and Cruella. I noticed that you have gothel, what do you think? Do you think the mug looks amazing? I have never seen it before and was just basing my judgement off pictures but to be honest it wouldn't be difficult to sway me to complete my set haha.
Mind you I have saved up for the Expo so if I was to complete my collection it would be after then.
I do have pics of all the ones I have now. When I get a chance I will post them up on here! Congrats again on getting the mugs you wanted!!
The only designer mug I have is Gothel haha. It is very pretty. The deep burgundy color on the inside really pops against the black on the outside. Combining that with the burgundy and gold features on Gothel's dress and hair, along with her diva pose, it makes for a very regal, elegant looking mug. I'll take some pictures of it if you'd like.