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My entire Hercules collection [UPDATE 11/10/13]

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My entire Hercules collection [UPDATE 11/10/13]
Very impressive collection . I love that Hydra snowglobe! Also, I love what you did with the Beloved Tales pin. That's really creative .

Thankyou! I really cannot believe I own the snowglobe and I am so greatful for it. Thankyou I tried to theme each canvas to the central pin.

wow these are amazing I am really wanting your snow globes those are a beauty everything you have super impressive.

Thankyou, it means a lot.

Do you have the mcdonalds plates? I see them all the time at thrift shops, if you want I can try and find them again... :x

In thrift shops? omg so lucky! Thankyou so much for the offer but I just traded Kevin for them, cant wait to get them.

Aww thankyou I love the watches! I am afraid to break the statue ones but I wear the kids one all the time, there are a fair few hercules watches out there and they all rock! I love the ice titan, I saw the cyclops advertised on the back so he exists. Then there are battle packs, by the looks of them these titans are smaller but still fairly big, I really want them but they only come up in america and have stupidly high postage to the UK or dont post at all but they are generally around $20 so your in luck! There is hercules on pegasus which I think would look great next to the hydra! Then there is anouther Ice titan, the rock titan I think maybe the lava titan but dont hold me to it (each come with a little hercules hence battle pack). - :lol: sorry for the overflow of information, hope it helps

No problem at all! Those sound awesome! I looked up some on eBay and found the Rock Titan battle pack, which is my favorite Titan. That thing looks crazy cool! And I found out that I have the Hercules action figure that came with the Nessus two-pack. These figures are so cool. I can't believe all the amazing action figures, and figure packs they had. It's amazing! I've seen some before but I didn't know that all the Titans got a good amount of merchandise. And I saw that big Hydra you have on eBay with the big head as well and it's quite the pricey purchase. That figure is surely a great addition to your collection. I really wanna snag some of these figures off of eBay while they're still up!

They are relly nice! I hope you get some! Yes I saw the Hydra and gave a mad little giggle. I like mine just fine considering he cost me £10 :lol: I know the hydra is very rare though but I think its a bit too pricy. I would love to see your herc collcetion ^_^
Wow you are SUCH A LOSER. geez.

(remind me to neeeever post my Lion King stuff LOL)

I think it's FREAKING amazing your family is helping you with this love! My grandma thinks I'm crazy! XD
Wow you are SUCH A LOSER. geez.

(remind me to neeeever post my Lion King stuff LOL)

I think it's FREAKING amazing your family is helping you with this love! My grandma thinks I'm crazy! XD

I would love to see your collection! My family thinks I'm nuts but they have for years, now it's just "oh Mary-Lou did this", "yeah sounds about right" xD this is my smallest collection and i've been collceting for about 5 years now? they've been picking up bits or me for years, I am very greatfull.
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Well unfortunately, it's not that much Long ago, I used to have a lot more Herc things when I was little, especially the McDonald's toys. But my mum gave a lot away when I was younger... Probably one of my most favorite toys I lost was this huge Pain toy that was plastic but the detail on him was amazing. But recently I got my grail plush from my cousin, which is the Disney Store Hades, which I have wanted since forever and day. Every time he goes up on eBay, he's always around $60 and up, some I have seen go for a hundred dollars :eek2: But I have him now, and he's one of my most prized possessions


aww that sucks I love the plushies they are my fav!! Especially the pegasus. That jade is great! I've contemplated getting the cites action one. The book is epic
How did you get so many Hercules things?! I'm OBSESSED!! It was my first movie when I was a child. All I have are 18 pins, a baby Pegasus plush my boyfriend bought for me during his visit here in Orlando, an adult Pegasus plush, the DVD, VHS, and a small Hades button.
That collection is fun! It brought back warm and fuzzies just looking at it, especially the McDonalds toys!
wow, that's one heck of a post day indeed! i'm loving the barbies, especially the pegasus ^^ and what is the white hydra thing? is it a wall decoration?
wow, that's one heck of a post day indeed! i'm loving the barbies, especially the pegasus ^^ and what is the white hydra thing? is it a wall decoration?

Thankyou I am very hppy No its a lunchbox and thermos! I will be using it.
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