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New LE Merida and Queen Elinor Doll Set images found

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New LE Merida and Queen Elinor Doll Set images found
These dolls are going to be the death of me! Another to add to the ever growing wishlist.
There is a rumor going around that they are going up for pre-order on the 25th, same day as the DVD? I hope its not true, because I don't think I'll have the money!
Where were those pictures originally posted on Disney? FYI they will be available for pre-order online and in-store very shortly. From what I've heard they will be $200.
Good thing people saved them on Flickr! Haha. And yeah I think the DVD goes up for pre-order the 25th, but isn't available to own until November 13th. So the doll set is going to be able to be preordered with it? Just my guess!
Does anyone know why they removed these photos?

Simply put, Disney does not want these photos and products leaked prior to when they are ready to announce new products publicly. It makes sense on many levels from a company standpoint. One thought is that when new products are rolled out formally, their CS staff should be able to answer at least basic questions about the products to better assist the customer calls (release date, cost, etc.). If information is leaked prior to a formal announcement, people start asking questions which the CS staff cannot answer (ex. "I don't know anything about that."), which reflects badly on the company's customer service reputation.

Product info leaks are good for the consumer as a heads-up to know to expect a product, but it is a nightmare for the company to be blindsided like that. I have read instances on facebook where people have tried to strong-arm Disney into releasing more information about product leaks, which never ended up with the desired result.
Most of the picture links are now working again...but they appear to be different pictures than those that were previously shown. :)
The images are back up on the Disney servers! The links on the first post are working again!!! And it does look like some of the images are different...
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Yes, I was told today by the manager at my local store that the pre sale is tomorrow. Canadians it'll be $235 with tax :) if you're in the Vancouver area, they have 11 for pre sale.
Do you have to pay if you preorder in store? Please let me know I need to preorder! I have never preordered in store before!
Yes, you have to pay when you pre-order in store :) For cinderella they put the receipts in an awesome little slip cover! Then you bring the receipt to the store on the day it's released.
oh no, I don't have the funds yet! Will they still be selling them online!?

Since the images are online, I would say "yes" - Disney wouldn't put them on the store website if they weren't going to be available online. Start checking just after midnight Pacific Coast time - or check back here for more information
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